Discharge from the genitals in men appears as a small amount of fluid or mucus, which has a different condition and color. Fluid (mucus) is secreted from the urethra, it is also possible to separate the secretion from the preputial gland, which is located under the skin that covers the head of the penis.
Physiological discharge
- urine norm criteria are light golden color, no odor;
- the criteria for the rate of secretion of the prostate are viscous nature, white tint, some semen odor;
- the criterion of the norm of the ejaculate is the semen mixed with the secretion secreted by the prostate, gray in color, having the consistency of mucus;
- the criterion of the smegma standard is thick white fat.
Smegma (preputial lubricant) builds up under the foreskin of the penis and is an accumulation of fat and residue from certain bacteria. The lubricant is used to reduce the feeling of friction between the head and the foreskin. At different periods of life, the amount of secretion secreted by the preputial glands is different, the peak falls at puberty and stops completely at old age.
If the rules of hygiene are not observed, the lubricant (smegma) is collected under the foreskin. The fats are oxidized and the proteins that make up the composition begin to break down. Simply put, the decomposition process sets in. The color of the lubricant becomes greenish, a putrid smell appears. The constant build-up of lubricant leads to chronic balanitis, or worse, malignant tumors develop.
The urethral glands secrete a colorless fluid called urethral rhea. It is used to protect the urethra. Its appearance is associated with strong arousal during erection. The volume of secretions depends on the physiological characteristics of each organism, but after a long period of refusal of sex, the amount increases.
In the morning, wet dreams (spontaneous discharge of semen) that are not associated with sex are possible. Pollution is possible in adolescents as well as in mature men who have not had sex for a long time.
With strong tension of the abdominal muscles, a small amount of translucent mucus is released from the urethra. Also, prostatorrhea can occur during constipation.
Pathological changes in discharge
Abnormal discharge from the penis may indicate a sexually transmitted disease (STD), cancer, non-specific inflammation, or genital trauma.
It is possible to distinguish from ordinary secretions those associated with a pathological character, possibly by their nature, odor, color:
- the volume of discharges has become much more abundant or, on the contrary, decreased;
- the color changed, the discharge became cloudy;
- there were blood impurities, pus, lumps of mucus;
- change in structure: the discharge has become sticky and thick;
- the smell has become fishy, sour or putrid;
- unpleasant sensations appear when urinating.
If you notice a change in your discharge, it is dangerous to self-medicate. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, make sure to undergo tests, and also take a smear.
STD discharge characteristic
Discharges that become very viscous and have a transparent color are usually a chronic form of mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis, chlamydia. When analyzed, leukocytes are found in the field of view up to 5 units.
If the discharge has turned white and translucent, this indicates the presence of an acute form of mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis.
A discharge with purulent spots and a characteristic odor is a sign of gonorrhea. Their structure is very thick and sticky, the color is greenish yellow. In laboratory tests, a large number of leukocytes are detected. Painful sensations when urinating are also noted.
Infections with several pathogens are common in STDs. The symptoms and the nature of the discharge take on a completely different appearance, so it is very important to perform high-quality laboratory tests to identify the real causative agents of the disease.
Inflammation and non-venereal discharge in humans
Non-venereal inflammation occurs when nonspecific bacteria enter the pelvic organs and can also be the result of immune problems. The own microflora becomes conditionally pathogenic, when pathogenic bacteria, which are in small numbers, begin to prevail over beneficial bacteria, thereby causing non-venereal inflammation.
Non-gonorrheic urethritis is characterized by discharge in the form of purulent lumps in small quantities. There is a frequent urge to urinate, a feeling of itching. The infection is ascending, first infecting the bladder and then the kidneys. When the kidneys are infected, the discharge contains blood. It is a very dangerous symptom.
Fungi of the genus Candida cause candidiasis. An increase in the number of these fungi occurs with a weakening of their own immunity, as well as after taking antibiotics. Symptoms include a discharge that looks like cottage cheese in the structure. There is a sour smell, itching sensations, especially when urinating.
Gardnerellosis of the urethra is determined by a specific fishy odor, the discharge becomes yellow-green in color, small in volume. This infection occurs when there is a violation of the microflora, that is, when dysbiosis appears.
If the foreskin becomes inflamed (balanoposthitis), the discharge becomes purulent and mucous. The head of the penis turns red and becomes very painful.
Prostatitis is manifested by a cloudy discharge that appears at the end of urination. This disease has serious complications such as lack of erection and complete impotence, anuria.
Uncharacteristic discharge of inflammation
Spermatorrhea is a passive leakage of semen, without masturbation or intercourse. This disease is most often the result of stress, neurosis or diseases of the spine. With spermatorrhea, the ducts are innervated.
Bloody discharge may appear after trauma to the urethral canal, a smear, insertion of a catheter, as well as when sand or small stones pass into the urethral canal. In this case, the hematorrhea is very painful.
A serious symptom is a brown discharge with pus and blood - they indicate the presence of a malignant tumor.
If you notice any unusual discharge in your home, you should immediately contact a medical institution and take the necessary tests. The sooner the correct diagnosis is made, the sooner the recovery will come.
How is the exam going?
- First, a penile examination is performed. The procedure is necessary to identify traces of trauma to the head and foreskin. Be on the lookout for a rash or discharge.
- Mandatory examination and palpation of the lymph nodes in the groin, determination of their size, condition, temperature.
- Sampling of secretions from the prostate for laboratory research - for this, massage of the prostate is done through the rectum.
In the laboratory, under a microscope, a study of the collected material is carried out:
- a smear makes it possible to determine the maturity of leukocytes, their number in the field of vision. An increased amount indicates acute urethritis or a chronic inflammatory process;
- an increased number of eosinophils indicates an allergic process in the urethra;
- when erythrocytes are detected, one can speak of tumors, severe inflammation;
- if the amount of epithelium exceeds the norm, then we are talking about chronic urethritis;
- the smear contains semen - spermatorrhea;
- mucus is found in the smear - urethrorrhea;
- fat grains are present in the smear - prostatorrhea.
For reliable results, you must follow a few rules: do not wash before taking the material, do not have sex the day before the analysis, do not go to the toilet a few hours before taking a smear.
Inoculation of the LHC is necessary to identify the greatest number of microorganisms belonging to the same species. Their properties are studied for a more thorough diagnosis of the infection. A general analysis of blood and urine is performed. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and prostate is performed, if necessary, according to the indications, then a tomography.
Any unusual discharge is a serious reason to seek medical attention. You cannot treat yourself, even if the disease is obvious to you. In this way, complications can arise which are difficult to treat even with the strongest antibiotics. The inflammatory process will not stop, but only acquires a latent form, fraught with serious complications, which can lead to death.
Preventive measures
Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, observing simple rules of personal hygiene, you can protect yourself from a lot of problems. In addition, there are a few additional rules:
- underwear should be made of natural materials and not tight;
- adequate contraception is necessary;
- casual sex should be avoided.
Compulsory treatment of both partners is necessary if venereal disease is detected in at least one of them. Otherwise, reinfection will constantly occur, which is dangerous with a transition to a chronic form and even infertility.