Under the term "potency" in medicine means the ability of a man to penis of the law. According to the World Health Organization, only 30 % of men today can boast of excellent health, sexual and reproductive system: the rest of the 70 % are faced with various sexual problems, the main of which is erectile dysfunction. This symptom can manifest itself at any age. Great importance has the lifestyle, which sees a man, the presence of chronic diseases, hormones, nutritional and other factors on which may depend the functioning of the main "male" body.

Examine the most effective ways to increase the effectiveness of folk remedies for 3 days or more than for the representatives of the stronger sex.
Honey with nuts
- Both components take in equal proportions and mix thoroughly, nuts, pre-need grind.
- The mixture used in the amount of 2 teaspoons after a meal, washed down with milk, morning and evening.
Pomegranate juice
If you drink the juice of pomegranate is about a month every day, then I feel the effect. He is good because it improves blood circulation, and as a result, accelerates the swelling of the organ. Therefore, pomegranate juice is an excellent folk remedy to increase potency in men without side effects.
- Rutabaga useful in the fight against erectile dysfunction. This vegetable is eaten both in a fresh state, so and boil it in water.
- Cook it can be even in the milk that will only increase the effect.
- It is possible and a mix of vegetables with others, make a salad. For example, a salad of sugar and turnips.
Carrot juice
- You can drink half a cup three times a day after meals.
- The carrot is in itself improves the blood circulation and the flow of blood in the pelvis, increasing the combat performance of the male organ.
Tincture of rowan berries, rose hips and leaves of gooseberry
Let us consider the following method of preparation of tincture to increase the potency of folk remedies in the household for men.
- Take rowan berries in a quantity of 150 g, berries of rose hips 50 grams and the leaves of the gooseberry, also in the amount of 50 grams. All wash and pour one liter of water.
- Start to cook. When boiling keep on the heat for 20 minutes.
- Put to cool. Now it is possible to drink 3 times a day in a volume of 200 ml at a time.
Banana and yogurt
How is this mixture:
- Take half of a banana and insert into the cup, where it crushed up into a thick mass.
- Pour the mug with the weight of the yogurt, add sugar to taste and all thoroughly stirred until dissolved.
- Tasty and suitable to drink after a meal helena before training.
- Instead of yogurt it is possible to use varenets helena sour cream.
The pros of the mixture
- Plus the fact that by itself the banana helps increase the duration of copulation and improves male strength. We have previously written about increase stamina in bed with a good meals for this.
- And dairy products improve reproductive function and performance of the seed.
- Together they give greater effect, and the mixture is considered for men popular means to increase potency quickly.
Some seafood
- Octopus;
- Crayfish;
- Mussels and oysters;
- Mackerel;
- Rapana.

All these seafood are considered to be an aphrodisiac and always increase activity in bed.
Garlic tincture
Finely crumble two cloves of garlic and pour the usual boiled water. Such mixtures give leave to stand for two weeks. Then eaten in a quantity of one teaspoon a day. In general, the garlic is always useful for the stronger sex in the bed.
Love potion made from dried fruits and wine
- Take in the amount of 100 grams of dried apricots, dried prunes and raisins, respectively. To them pour the cinnamon to taste and also sugar, one tablespoon. As a spice is cardamom and cloves.
- In the resulting mixture has a good dry red wine and tormented on low heat: first half hour with the cap cover and then the same amount of time with tightly closed.
- Is sweet medicine you are taking in the treatment of potency in men folk remedies in the quantity of 3 times in one day.
Stanislaus celery
- In it is a hormone, stimulating a desire in relation to women.
- Use it in your vegetable salads helena eat as a side dish to meat.
- Some love the soup-puree from this folder. Add as a seasoning to the seafood. Drink more celery juice.
- You can use the leaves, stems. Useful is also a root.
Dried helena baked tomatoes
It is better to consume vegetables after heat treatment. It is better steamed helena oven. In this form they are stronger, increase the function of sexual glands. Tomatoes also add to the pizza helena on the pasta.
Soup on special prescription
In the age of the popular a means to raise potency in men after 50, this specific soup from the meat. It will also be useful and young.
The recipe for this is:
- The soup take the meat with bone bovine meat (also suitable meat rabbit, horse meat helena turkey), finely crumble onions. There as well will add chopped turnips and carrots.
- All this is boiled in water and boil for 30 minutes, adding parsley.
- Eat food warm, with him the sour cream.
Sea buckthorn berries
The fruits of sea buckthorn useful in any form:
- salads with oil of sea buckthorn;
- sea buckthorn juice;
- tea from the berries of sea buckthorn;
- marmalades and jams.
How cooking tea sea buckthorn
- Take sea buckthorn berries and pour the already boiled water in a ratio of 3 tablespoons of fruit in half a liter of boiling water.
- They last about half an hour.
- Then drink the resulting mixture, filtering from her fruits, one by one to drink twice during the day.
- It is a popular drug for potency in men, rapid action, it is possible to drink together with honey.
Sea buckthorn berries enhance the male power, struggling with impotence and regulate the production of hormones.
Quail helena chicken eggs
Eggs of quail it is possible to consume in a raw state, and in the form of omelets. The chicken eggs is undesirable to eat in raw form. You can make an omelet from the eggs and add onions, which have a reinforcing effect.
Dairy products
It is advisable to drink milk uncle, helen wash them a second. Improves reproductive ability. In addition, for male forces issued the following dairy products:
- Mare;
- yogurt;
- cottage cheese;
- kefir;
- hard cheese;
- sour cream.
What herbs is better
In the middle of the green occupy a special place:
- Parsley (normalizes and increases the level of male hormones).
- Spinach (normalizes the blood circulation in the body).
- Onions (increases testosterone production and increases attraction).
All these kinds of green are good that you can add as a spice to the first, the second food helena a variety of salads.
Add the herbs in your diet and less worry on the subject of how to increase potency in men in domestic conditions.
Porridge from dry berries and nuts
- In equal proportions they take raisins, peeled prunes, figs and shelled walnuts.
- Everything is well mixed and powdered. You can add honey according to taste.
- Eat it after lunch on the two tablespoons.
- We get such useful and at the same time tasty way to increase potency in men folk remedies.
- To wash potatoes, you can take varenets helena sour milk according to taste.
Perform Kegel exercises
This ancient exercise wise taoists for the increase of male power and also prevent premature termination of the session. A very popular and practical.
- The essence of this exercise lies in the tension of the pubic-coccygeal muscle (helps us stop the stream of fluid on the toilet, when you go to a small).
- You can do short of tension and relaxation of this muscle, helena long tension for a few seconds. You can carry anywhere, because I guess no one.
- A different way of training. When you do not exceed your male organ is located in the emergency room, you can bounce using compression and relaxation of the same muscles Kegel. We've talked about performing Kegel exercises for men in the home.
Do exercises for the pelvis and not only
To resort to physical exercise is necessary, especially if you have a lot of sitting at work.
All this accelerates the blood in the pelvis and improves blood flow to the sexual organ.
- Ordinary squats.
- Lifting your knees while standing up to shoulder level, alternately, the different legs.
- The drill press (hands behind head, legs are fixed, increased and decreased case).
- Run on the long long journey is the old and proven folk remedy to enhance male potency.
- Exercises for the buttocks. For example, the "ship" (lying on your stomach kdyžzvýšit and pull the arms forward, and the same with the legs, but in the opposite direction).
- Stretching inguinal muscles.
- Useful rotational movement of the pelvis.
For these and other popular exercises we have discussed here.
Pumpkin seeds helena pumpkin seed oil
Pumpkin seeds improve libido, and to restore male power.
Even pumpkin seed oil improves reproductive function, increases the production of male hormones.
Useful pumpkin seeds together with honey:
- Seeds pumpkin raw finely powdered.
- Mixed with honey in equal proportions and used about 5 times a day for one tablespoon.
We have already written an article on the topic of how to increase the potency after 50 years in domestic conditions. Pumpkin seeds are one solution to this problem.
Tincture from nettle leaves, additives to soups
- Nettle leaves washed and put to dry. Then it is ground finely.
- Then nettle pour boiled water in a ratio of 100 g to 300 ml. Give leave to stand.
- Accept the mixture 3 times during the day to the consumption of food.
- Wash nettle leaves also added to soups, side dishes.
- The benefits of nettle in that it improves appetite, sexual vigor. Food use leaves of nettle, it is a good answer to the question about what are the folk remedies to increase potency in men.
Ginger with honey

- Dry ginger along with honey in the same ratio taken three times a day half a teaspoon. All of it is washed off with water.
- Ginger stimulates the male power but also enhances immunity.
Ginger with honey is useful for people in age and for those who asked about what happened, zdf is the climax in men.
Tincture from the fruits of asparagus
- Take 11 berries of asparagus, washed and put let stand in a thermos with freshly boiled water to a volume of 400 ml about 7 hours.
- The resulting mixture is taken before meals 50 ml three times a day.
- Asparagus is good for the prevention of prostate disease and increase male power.
Tincture of ginseng root
- Ginseng root in chopped form, pour in the vodka. The root is used in a ratio of 1: 20 to the regia, respectively.
- Tincture put them in the place, closed from the rays, and not to touch in the course of two weeks.
- Use the mixture for 20 drop 2 times throughout the day before meals.
- Ginseng is useful because it increases the amount of male hormones and improves the reproductive capacity of the peasant.
- Ginseng is considered to be in the company of the people's means, step-up potency in men. There is only one but. Its not recommended to drink before bedtime.
In addition to ginseng, we also talked on the website and on special techniques for those who perish erection.
Let us consider further the thyme.
Tincture of thyme
- Take inflorescence bushes, wash and pour the boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2. A mixture of give let stand day. Then drink 2-3 times a day.
- Tincture of thyme useful for the prevention of impotence helena prostatitis, it sees in the order of production of hormones.
A mixture of coriander and parsley
Coriander, dried and ground. To it is added the parsley and the whole thing is poured with boiled water. A mixture of give let stand day. Tincture to drink, to wash down the food helena just during the day.
Tincture of the flowers of st. john's wort
- The flowers are st. john's wort, wash and cook in water in a ratio of 100 g to 300 ml of fluid for 10 minutes.
- Tincture give leave to stand for 24 hours. Drink about 3 times per day in an amount of 50 gg
- Tincture restores blood circulation in the body, including in organs of the pelvis.
- St. john's wort is considered to be one of the good herbs that increase potency in men, and the general means for increasing the libido.
A mixture of the root of calamus
- The rhizome of calamus ground finely and pour vodka in the ratio of 2 tablespoons per 150 ml, respectively.
- The mixture give the build three days ago. Then I drink 10 drops twice a day.
- Yet the root of this plant calamus chew like gum.
- Pros the root of the herbs that helps increase the stiffness of male dignity.
Flowers of pulmonaria officinalis
- For the tincture use 20 g of dried flowers lungwort and poured a glass of boiling water.
- Give leave to stand for 15 minutes.
- The drink obtained from the decoction three times a day before meals.
- You can add herbs to salads helena for the first meal.
- Therefore, the use of these tips, you will know everything about how to get the potency of folk remedies, without medication.
A compress with ice
- Take some ice and crumble it into small pieces. Crushed particles wrapped with gauze, in five layers, to avoid frostbite.
- Now the gauze with ice alternately attach to the neck area, then to the chest and ends in the area of the testicles. On each field persist, not more than 1 minute.
- Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.
Useful contrast showers helena, steam bath
Take time in the morning or before going to bed to douches. Enter that it's a habit.
Your feelings will gradually change the temperature of the water, do not jump right into the icy water.
During showering always listen to your body: feel the freeze, turn on the hot and better stay in the warm.
Contrast shower improves blood supply to the male organ and the influence on his work.
Other recommendations
- Take a contrast shower, as possible. This recommendation has participated yet wise taoists with his disciples.
- Renounce alcohol.
- To give up smoking.
- Less fat, fried in the diet.
- Adhere to the sleep mode, which will reduce the amount of stress and has a positive effect on the male power.
- Don't forget to do the exercises, move more, exercise.
At all. Now you know a lot of methods and folk remedies to increase potency in men, now collected together in our article.
Also, it would be effective use them along with the products on our site. Be healthy! Very diverse folk remedies can be very effective to increase the potency. Between a plethora of different recipes of folk medicine it is necessary to choose several effective and use them constantly. And what resources are the best, every man should decide for yourself.