For a long time already not a secret that almost every third representative of the stronger sex suffer from temporary or chronic reduction in potency. About 30% of the male population aged 30 to 50 years and are able to feel wearing such a big inconvenience, so the disorder in the sexual and family life. So, every person needs to know that it can lead to a reduction in the potency of, and also how to deal with a specific problem.
What products, improve the potency and why
Indeed, the effectiveness and proper nutrition is linked with each other. Taking the products, improve the potency, rich in luxury vitamin complexes and numerous mineral supplements, a man will receive the following benefits for the male power:
- An increase in the amount produced of testosterone, responsible for a stable erection;
- Improve the work of cardiovascular system;
- Improvement in the supply of the genital organs through the blood;
- Obtain the necessary dose of vitamins and minerals that are so important for potency;
- To increase the feeling of the desires, pleasures and desires.
In addition, the products for male potency are affordable prices and are often used in homes, contribute to the improvement of the functionality of the urinary system and male body, experts warn that the development of many diseases, lengthen the strength of youth, increase the activity and internal energy.
Nutrition for the improvement of potency requires more time, or a supernatural financial costs. This way of dealing with low libido is much more comfortable than sports, the eradication of bad habits with the experience of normalization of sexual life or the improvement of the environment. Apart from all these factors, the food for the daily diet, and it can be adjusted to achieve a rapid increase libido.
The list of products increases the potency
Menu men, who wants to enhance male strength, stamina and tone, is a little different from the ordinary. It richly in protein, vitamins and minerals. A diet that promotes male potency, should include the following components:
- Any kind of seafood;
- Steamed, boiled, grilled on a small amount of oil or baked in the oven fish;
- Veal meat, chicken meat, lean pork meat;
- Dairy products with low fat (milk, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese);
- All vegetables, especially useful carrots, sweet peppers, onions;
- A lot of fruit, especially good pomegranates, citrus fruits, apples;
- All they bring bees from honey to propolis;
- Herbs with scents that can be added to food or brew tea, such as mint or lemon balm;
- Walnuts.
If you have all of these products for male potency, then it is possible not only to increase male strength and sexual abilities, but also improve the cardiovascular system, improve tone, vitality, cheerfulness, improve mental abilities, the work of the intestines, as well as the excretory system.
As the gifts of the sea contribute to male potency
The sea – it's a veritable gold mine of healthy food, nutrients, macro and trace elements. Exactly that with their beautiful gifts and helps to fight with the problem of low libido. Which foods improve potency? In seafood include:
- Shrimp oil and shrimp;
- Mussel, clams, oysters;
- Octopus;
- Rapana.

Not in vain is for the people who live near the sea and the use of daily seafood, relatively rarely observed decrease in potency. They contain huge amounts of vitamins and other useful substances: vitamins b, C, E and PP, iodine, Ca, K, phosphorus, copper and so on, and so Their unique characteristics have a positive trend in the performance of the cardiovascular system, normalize lipid metabolism, helps fast absorption of vitamins, peptides, and other useful substances. In addition, they regulate the work of the digestive system, strengthen the nervous system and help cope with stress, cleanses the body of toxins.
But, of course, the main naval residence of the remains of the fish. Nutrition to improve the potency should certainly include the red fish. This important component contributes to an increase in red blood cells, debugs the functioning of white blood cells, normalizes the immune system, balances the hormonal background, strengthens the bones and positively influences the nervous activity of the body.
The waste products of bees, than they are good for male potency
Nutrition to improve the potency should certainly contain the waste products of the bees. It may be honey, flowers, bee pollen, wax, with honey or without, propolis, or royal jelly.
Despite the fact that the sweet is bad for your health, but just like the candy they are able to right affect the male energy, if you eat them with moderation. Their unique characteristics have the following effects on the body:
- Are natural sources of glucose;
- Eliminate the inflammatory processes in the genital organs;
- Kill bacteria inside the body;
- Serves as a natural source of amino acids, vitamin complexes, esters;
- Improve the functioning of the heart and other muscles;
- Favorably acts on the CNS and bowel;
- Support the lack of oxygen exchange;
- Rejuvenate the organism.
Products for male potency, supporting energy, and tone the entire body
To the products, improve the potency, which helps to increase energy, normalize blood circulation and hormonal background, include:
- Herbs, especially parsley – a source of useful minerals, antioxidants, and vitamin With the. Thanks to this composition, it is perfectly cleanses the body from bacteria and toxins, improves the functioning of the excretory system;
- Onion;
- The celery root – it relieves inflammation and feelings of pain, struggling with diseases of the urinary tract, gives the body strength, vitality, increases male desire and promotes erections;
- Walnuts, almond nuts, almonds or hazelnuts – contain numerous macro and trace elements, which help in the work of the genital organs and are natural aphrodisiac;
- Dried apricots, prunes and other dried fruit;
- Cottage cheese, milk and other dairy products.
Which products are worth it to avoid the
You need to realize that not all products contribute to male potency. There are even those that, on the contrary, oppressed by the masculine energy, which ultimately leads to impotence. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach to the compilation of the menu, it should not include: food from fast food, prepared cakes, dumplings and other semi-finished products, alcoholic beverages, sausages and cold cuts, drinks with a high content of caffeine and dyes, a large amount of vegetable oil, soda.
All of these products lead to a decrease in testosterone levels, lead to obesity and the incidence of female hormone over the male, atherosclerosis, loss of vascular elasticity, disorders of the digestive and excretory systems.
To its nutrition men cost classified very carefully, because the correct diet is able to prolong youth, sexual desire, and increase strength.